The interim parish council includes representation from all three churches, St Richard, St Monica and St John Bosco. We have been meeting with Fr Sebastian. His immediate focus points for our parish are:
Worship and the Eucharist
Spiritual and Social Community
Welcoming Disposition and Facilities
In the words of St Francis, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” he asked. “Show me what you want me to do with my life.” And the Lord answered! A voice as clear as the day responded: “Francis, go and rebuild my church which, as you see, is falling down.” With the transformation to one parish, we are now being called by the Lord to help “Rebuild our Church”.
We understand many in our community have grievances regarding the decision of the Archdiocese. But the decision has been made and now it is up to us, all of us, to move forward in our future. This is an opportunity to form a more vibrant and engaging parish community utilizing best practices from each church to build an even stronger St Monica parish that we can all be proud of – and we will need everyone’s help to be successful. We hope, encourage, and pray that you will join us to Rebuild Our Church.
To get this rebuilding started the interim council would like to know what you would like to see going forward and what you can add in the way of stewardship. A very brief survey has been listed on the St. Monica website and a hard copy has been placed in the bulletin. There is also more information in the insert in this weekend’s bulletin. Please use these resources to help us begin to “Rebuild our Church “.