The Formation Commission has the responsibility of developing, promoting, and evaluating education programs, which answer educational needs that parishioners feel and express. It gives leadership to the parish’s efforts to move people beyond where they are to a deeper understanding and experience of faith. In cooperation with the pastor, the parish council, and other parish professionals in education, the Faith Formation Commission sets policy concerning education programs in the parish.
Parish Office Staff
[email protected]
Office: 314-434-4211
Office Hours – M-T 8:00am to 4:00pm
Closed on Fridays
Journey into Faith/RCIA: Team provides instruction and guidance to people interested in becoming Catholics through a series of twenty-five sessions culminating in their initiation into the Church at the Easter Vigil. For information contact Fr. Wyrsch in the Parish Office at 314-434-4211.
Contact Deacon Jim Martin at [email protected].
Please contact the parish office for more information.
Please contact Fred and Teresa Dickinson at 314-275-8974.
Learn more about St. Monica’s Catholic Elementary School Program here.
Find out more about St. Monica’s Parish School of Religion here.
Please contact the Parish Office
(VBS) at St. Monica is a weeklong program offered to children ages 4 years thru 5th grade. The goal of VBS is to teach our children about the love of God and the importance of God in everything we do. God is number one in our lives, and if we open our hearts to Him, He will shower us with His love. This is a non-profit program staffed 100% by volunteers. We work at St. Monica to relay God’s great love for us in a fun/adventuresome way. In a typical day, the children say prayers, learn bible stories, play bible games, make a craft, enjoy a snack, watch a skit and participate in song and dance all based on the theme of the day. For information call the Parish Office 314.434.4211.
This elected board sets policy, approves budget, and advises the Pastor and Principal in the Parish Grade School in accord with Archdiocese directives. For information contact Chris Miller.
Christ invites each of us to share in the glory of his kingdom here in the world. The St. Monica Young Adults look to experience and spread that glory, joy, and happiness. Following the parish mission of, “Love God, Love Others, Preach the Gospel,” we build the Kingdom of God by focusing on relationships, first, building deep life-giving friendships with each other, and ultimately growing into a deeper relationship with Christ. We meet between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month for our formation (faith enrichment) class. This gives us an opportunity to learn more about our faith and consequently increase in our love for God and the beauty of the Catholic Faith.
Additionally, we meet for brunch after Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month to grow in relationship with each other and pray with the Gospel reading from the day. We also host a biweekly Holy Hour on Friday evenings to fall deeper in love with our Lord in the Eucharist and followed by dinner or fellowship to enjoy the community he has given us. St. Monica, devoted intercessor for young adults, pray for us. For information contact the Parish Office 314.434.4211 or e-mail [email protected].
ACTS Parish Retreats are offered for men and women. ACTS stands for Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. These four themes are the focus of the weekend retreat. ACTS is inspired by the Acts of the Apostles 2:42-43: They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles, to communal life, to the breaking of bread and to prayers. And everyone was filled with awe, the apostles worked many signs and miracles.
For more information on the upcoming retreats, contact the ACTS team at [email protected] or call the Parish Office 314.434.4211.
Contact Jack Groneck at [email protected].
Please contact Lily Elznic, [email protected]
PTO (Parent Teacher Association) is comprised of parents with children in the Parish School. This group coordinates a variety of activities for the benefit of our School and our students. For information call Andrea Gardner at 314-495-0202, or e-mail [email protected].
Scouting Groups: Boy Scouts of America prepares youth to make ethical choices over their lifetime.
Scout coordinator is Bill Neukum and his email is [email protected].
Cub Scout Pack (age 5-10) Kevin Reinhardt, [email protected]
Scouts, BSA – Boy Troop (age 11-17) Josh Howard, [email protected]
Scouts, BSA – Girl Troop (age11-17) Monica Feldman, [email protected]
Girl Scouts of America leader is Laura Coughlin, [email protected]