• Father Weber retired. We wish him the best.
  • Masses at St John Bosco will remain the same on the weekend. Weekday Masses are more fluid but Communion Services are being held when a priest is not available for Mass.
  • St John Bosco’s finances will be combined with St Monica’s on Jan 1, 2024. The current plan is that offertory to St John Bosco (marked SJB in memo line or collected at SJB) will be book kept as SJB revenue to be used for SJB expenses.
  • Offertory is down at St John Bosco and St Richard.
  • St Monica has raised over $100k towards rectifying their financial state.
  • The goal for combining ministries across the parish is Easter (not the previously stated summer 2024).
  • The Archdiocese gave all parishes with schools direction on next steps. Two options were presented: justify why your school should be closed or justify keeping your school open. The parish has chosen the path of justifying to keep the school open.