This Sunday’s 11:30 Mass includes the PARISH CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES for this year. It’s exciting to think how they have grown from small children in our families, to the young adults we see before us now. They’ve already been undergoing training for this commit- ment and will be on a retreat the rest of Sunday.

Those who study human growth say that the age of 12-13-14 is the first time we can really look ahead to a future in our lives and dream more realistically about where we will go and what we will do. That’s why it’s a great time for these young people to make their own per- sonal commitment to their Baptism. In fact, I will bring them the challenge: “If your parents had not had you baptized, with what you know now, would you ask to be baptized?” For them to be confirmed is that kind of commitment. The Confirmation is May 8, so we have until then to pray for them, and after.

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