Dear Parishioners,

Today we celebrate the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We begin reading most of Chapter 6 of Saint John’s Gospel today and up to August 26th. When we are tempted to think we go it alone, when we doubt that God will hold us up and sustain us, we should take another look at the Scriptures for next Sun- day. They are yet one, more clear directive to believers of how to live. Bear with one another, strive for hu- mility and patience, preserve unity among us and trust that the Lord will feed and sustain us. When we feel overwhelmed and the path forward is not clear, we must not forget that our work is really the Lord’s and he will provide what we need.

Next weekend will be the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We will continue our prayerful reflec- tion about Jesus’s words in Saint John’s Gospel, chapter 6. The readings next weekend will remind us that the manna in the desert prefigured the true bread from heaven, the Eucharist (CCC #1094). The readings will also remind us that just as our ancestors in the desert longed for a sign of God’s faithfulness, so, too, the crowds around Jesus asked for sign that they might “see and believe.” We come to the table of the Lord to encourage and deepen our own faith, to become what we receive, to become a sign of Jesus’ presence in the world.

The Annual Catholic Appeal: WE MADE THE CHALLENGE GOAL! Thank you all for your generos- ity. However, the Archdiocese is still in need of more money to meet its goal for this year. So many people are helped through the ACA. While we, thanks to ALL of you, “have done it,” we need to keep on working for the betterment of the entire Archdiocese. If you haven’t donated, please consider doing so. Thank you! Again, many, many thanks to Kathy and Troy Steffenson for their tremendous leadership as chairmen of the ACA here at St Monica for so many years! Their shoes will be very hard to fill!

School: It is hard to believe that school is only a few weeks away. Our first day is August 16th, the day af- ter the Holyday of Obligation, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please remember that we are praying the Rosary every Wednesday morning, including during the summer, for our school: students, fac- ulty, staff, and parents! While the Rosary is normally prayed at 7:40 each morning, on Wednesdays we push it back to 7:45. Please consider praying the rosary with us on Wednesday mornings.

The Blessed Sacrament: As already mentioned this weekend begins readings from Saint John’s Gospel, Chapter 6, which we will have today and all the Sundays of August. As you might recall there is no “Lord’s Supper” (account of the Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper) in Saint John’s Gospel.

Rather he gives an entire Chapter to the importance of the Eucharist and how important it is. The last verses of this chapter (which we will hear on August 26) sums it all up: “As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him. Jesus then said to the Twelve, ‘Do you also want to leave?’ Simon Peter answer him, ‘Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy one of God.’”

We must make a commitment to following Jesus. He, the Bread of Life, who feeds us with not just bread and fish, and not “just” “bread and wine,” gives us Himself: His very Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, to make us one.

FORMED.ORG has several great series that you can get FREE as a member of this parish. First of all, I would recommend PRESENCE: THE MYSTERY OF THE EUCHARIST. The description from FORMED says, “What is it that is so special about the Eucharist? Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the “source and summit” of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucha- rist explores the truth and beauty of Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scrip- ture, to its profound role in the life of the Church and her members. It is the crescendo of the entire story of salvation.”

It consists of three sessions, plus a Trailer and a final session on Biblical Foundations of the Eucharist. I very much recommend that you study the Eucharist at home as we go through Chapter Six of Saint John’s Gospel.

Another series is SYMBOLON: KNOWING THE FAITH. Too often we try to live a faith we don’t know or understand. Some of us stumble along with it, going through the motions. Others simply walk away. That’s why the time is right for Symbolon: Knowing the Faith. Presented by the most trusted and compelling teachers and filmed around the world with stunning cinematography, Symbolon: Knowing the Faith explains the essentials of the Catholic Faith in a way that will inform our minds and inspire our hearts. Presented in ten sessions that are ideal for parish catechism, family instruction, and personal devotion.

This covers much of the faith … longer than PRESENCE, it explains what we believe and WHY we believe it!

Please let’s all try to grow in the faith! Now is a very good time to do it!

There is SO much more on FORMED.ORG, and the parish is very happy to provide it for you!

Election and PGA Tournament: The Primary Election for Missouri will be on Tuesday, August 7th. If you normally vote at Parkway Northeast Middle School, because of the PGA tournament, your polling place will be in our gym lobby. Please be informed as to what the issues are, who the candidates are, and what their stands on LIFE are! With all the additional traffic associated with the PGA tournament, please allow extra time to get to Mass the weekend of August 11th and 12th. I know that Ladue Road will be “blocked” at Coeur de Ville, except for those with “resident” passes to get through. Mason Road will also be closed in various areas, So those will be “messes” for some of our parishioners. There will be more traffic on Olive Street Road, too! So, please be alert as to what might be required with the PGA Championship here at Bellerive Country Club … just barely outside our parish boundaries!


Faithfully yours,

Fr Joe Weber