Dear Parishioners,

This weekend we celebrate the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Within our Scripture readings today are deep, and at times, controversial questions. Jesus asks his disciples: “Who do people say that I am?” Then he asks Peter, “But who do you say that I am?” Like Peter, all Christian faiths today proclaim that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed one. Despite our common proclamation, the second reading often serves as a proof text that separates Catholics from our Protestant brothers and sisters. Does faith alone save or does faith combined with corporal and spiritual works save us? These questions invite us to delve more deeply into the mysteries of God. May we listen attentively to His Holy Word!

Next weekend we will celebrate the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time.  Our desires  and possessions sometimes keep us from following Christ. As the disciples argue about who is the greatest disciple, Jesus embraces a little child — innocent, powerless, and with nothing. May we be open to the ways we try to place ourselves above others and ask for the grace to be like the child Jesus embraces and a faithful servant to all in need.

MonicaFest: The rain came but MonicaFest continued! What a great evening. Thanks to ALL who participated in it. “A good time was had by all.”  Whether the food and beverages, the “get to know your neighbor bingo,” the “inflatables,” the d.j., the evangelization material, or just being together, it was a great time. Thanks to ALL who arranged it … and to all of you who attended. May the Lord bless us all and keep us in His loving care.

Daily Worldmissionnaires: Last week our long time and faithful parishioner, Jerry Bennett, went home to his eternal reward. May he rest in peace and may his family have continued conso- lation following a life well lived. In his obituary the family suggested contributions to the “Daily Worldmissionnaires.” He was the Parish Coordinator for the Daily Worldmissionnaires and would collect the monthly donations and send them on to the Mission Office at the Archdiocese. Several people asked me about it. As a child and young priest I remember the “mite boxes” that used to be used. Things have changed, but the mission is the same. The following information is on the Mission Office’s website:

The Daily Worldmissionnaires is a group of men and women who pledge to help the missions through daily prayer and sacrifice. These prayers and sacrifices not only directly help sustain missionaries around the world, but also enable them to provide food, clothing, medicine, and other necessities for the needy. As missionaries’ physical needs are met, they are better able to share the Good News and advance the cause of Christ.

What Does a Daily Worldmissionnaire do?

Prays each of the following 3 times daily for the missions: “Our Father”

“Hail Mary”

“St. Francis Xavier, pray for us” “St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us” AND

Sacrifices some luxury or necessity daily, donating that money, instead, to the missions at the end of each month.


In 1953 when a World Mission Exhibition was held at Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis. The Exhibit attracted more than 270,000 people coming from St. Louis, and the Dioceses of Springfield and Belleville, Illinois. The Exhibition was designed to “bring an intimate and a comprehensive knowledge of the vast mission work of the Church,” and was such a success that many organizers expressed a desire to continue to work for the Mission Church. This group became known as the Daily Worldmissionnaires.

The newly formed DW’s decided to adopt a mission aid program that was once followed by Pauline Jaricot, a native of France and the founder of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Pauline had seen her brother, an ordained priest, serve as a missionary. In an effort to help him, she went to family and friends asking them to pray for the success of his work and to support his work financially through sacrifice. Pauline divided her growing “Society” into groups, with one member was designated as the Group Leader. It was the Group Leader’s responsibility to gather the results of the sacrifices and forward them to Pauline for her brother. One day a visitor came

to Pauline’s house: Bishop William DuBourg. He convinced her to make the beneficiary of her work the Church Universal, and not just the work of her brother.

Today, over 1,600 Daily Worldmissionnaires follow a similar format of giving to benefit the mission work of the worldwide church.

If you are interested in joining this Missionary Activity of the Church please go to the Mission Office website, THE DAILY WORLDMISSIONNAIRES, or call 314-792-7660, and ask for Linda Dalton. The Second Vatican Council reminds us that we are all called to be Missionaries. It is a great way to help the Missions.

Next Weekend, September 21 – 24, I will be at the Annual Meeting of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, which will take place in Kansas City, Missouri. Two members of our parish, Dr. Tony and Mrs. Rose Ann Penilla will be admitted to the Order at that meeting.

We have a good number of members of the Order here at Saint Monica. Congratulations to Rose Ann and Tony and thanks to the other members of the Order from our parish.

What is the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem? This is from their website: For nearly 1000 years, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre has served the Catholic Church by aiding Christians in the Holy Land as well as those of other faiths. Although they no longer ride horses into battle, they pledge their support to help the few Christians remaining in the Holy Land as well as keeping the holy cities in Christian hands. They fight for all of us, and they need our help.

Next week I’ll have more about the Order, however, I ask for your prayers for the annual meeting in Kansas City, for the Penillas, and for all who are members.

Faithfully yours,

Fr Joe Weber